Artiz jemputan pun no bad....such as Inteam....Mesut Kurtis..Irfan Makki..n Fadly dri kump PADI indonesia.....
so lets sharing the pics on dat day...:)
Maher on the BIG screen...
me & the poster...
me n my luvly asben...
ramai nyer org.....behind us....
Maher & his performance...
here the ticket....sponsored by CIMB....actually this belong to my boss....but he have his own he pass to me.....thanks boss...
for me...that konsert is meaningfull bcoz kita memuji nama Allah dan rasul...sgt berilmu....dan for most sure la my baby dlm tummy mama ni dpt dgr selawat n pujian2 kepada Allah......alhamdulillah.....
aku juga stay sampai abes konsert nih....walaupun tulang punggung aku sakit...tpi takper....aku dapat bersila coz seat kat area aku bnyk leh la aku sibab seat tu utk keselesaan aku...:)
n thanks to my asben... u r the best honey....u always be there when i need u...
dats all...wassalam....
luv 3 of us......
note: my gud frendz jija pun watched this konsert 1day before me....miss her ......long time didn't meet....